Competency Development
Support for Vocational Competency Development of Workers
If an employer provides vocational training to improve the job skills of his or her employees, prospective employees, job seekers, etc., the part of training cost will be covered by the government from Employment Insurance Fund (subsidized by insurance premiums for employment stability and vocational competency development).
The consortium joint training centers consisted of corporations and business associations sign contract with SMEs for a joint training agreement and provide customized training for the SMEs’ workers. This is to promote the joint training projects(consortium projects) aiming to expand participation of SMEs’ workers in vocational training, to nurture human resources in new growth engine industry and to lay the foundation for vocational training by regions.
* Joint training centers: organizations that conduct consortium projects in accordance with the Employment Insurance Act
We support inclusive training for SMEs and workers with limited access to vocational competency development, and support systematic on-the job training and knowledge transfer.