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Employment Permit System

What is EPS?

Employment Permit System
  • Implemented in August, 2004 to help small and medium sized companies solve their labor shortages.
  • It allows employers who have failed to hire native workers to legally hire an adequate number of foreign workers.
  • It is a system that the government introduced to manage foreign workers in Korea in an organized manner.

EPS Planning

Foreign Workforce Policy Committee
  • Select sending countries based on the rate of illegally staying workers, preference by employers and etc.
  • Determine the quota of workforce per industry.
  • Develop the hiring policy for foreign workers.


Industries Description
Manufacturing Companies with less than 300 full-time workers or less than KRW 8 billion in capital
Construction Any type of construction project
※ Excluding construction companies building power plants, steelworks and petrochemical
    facilities holding industrial environment facilities licenses
Service Construction waste management, recycled material collection and sales, warehousing and
cold storage (inland), publication of books, magazines and printed materials, publication of
music and audio contents
Fishing Deep sea and coastal fishing, fish farming, extraction of salt
Agriculture and
Plant cultivation, stock-breeding, and its service

Sending Countries

Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Cambodia, China, Bangladesh, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Laos National flag image

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